Our Core Books with links to purchase them.
Our core books are readily available in several formats. We have gathered links here for your convenience.SA - White Book (paperback) or Kindle
SA - Recovery Continues (paperback)
SA - The Real Connection (paperback) or eBook or Kindle
AA - Big Book .pdf or Kindle
AA - 12 Steps and 12 Tradition.pdf
AA - Big Book MP3 files
AA - Joe and Charlie's Big Book Study MP3 files
AA - 12 Steps and 12 Traditions MP3 files
SA International publishes a periodic newsletter called "Essay". It has excellent articles and we highly recommend it to all attendees! We have also put all the back issues of ESSAY we could find in a google folder. Click here to access and download the Essay back issues we have found.
According to Tradition Six, any non-SA content displayed on this website is offered as public information. Displaying this content does not imply that SA endorses this content, or entities associated with it. Please be aware that we are not responsible for a linked site’s privacy policy, tracking technology, computer security, or intellectual property protection. Additionally, we cannot attest to the accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, or completeness of information provided by any linked site.
Fill These Hearts: God, Sex and the Universal Longing by Christopher West
In the SA White book on page 165 it suggests that we recognize and feed our God hunger. This book is all about that universal hunger specifically for followers of the way of Jesus. It shows how Christ offers a banquet yet we often settle for either fast food or starvation diets. The SA White book itself suggests a prayer when we are triggered: "Whatever it is I'm really looking for now, let me please find it in you". This book explains how redirecting our hunger, not denying it, is the answer. It urges us to re-aim toward the infinite, for after all, that which is finite was never meant to satisfy our God hunger.
SRA - Sexual Recovery Anonymous
SAA - Sex Addicts Anonymous
SLAA - Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
SCA - Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
At least for women in the Grand Rapids area there is now a path forward. Helen Ceballo-Hernández, a local therapist has very reasonably priced group therapy for women who want to recover from sexually compulsive behaviors. You can contact her on her office phone at 616-456-1178 or by emailing her at helen@hchtherapy.com. Learn more on her website hchtherapy.com.
AA - Big Book .pdf or Kindle
AA - 12 Steps and 12 Tradition.pdf
Key Audio Books - free MP3 files
Some of our most loved core resources and books have been made into MP3 audio files. These are readily found on the internet for free so we have collected them here for your convenience.AA - Big Book MP3 files
AA - Joe and Charlie's Big Book Study MP3 files
AA - 12 Steps and 12 Traditions MP3 files
Helpful Websites and Newsletters
Click here for the official "Essay" current and past issues download pageSA International publishes a periodic newsletter called "Essay". It has excellent articles and we highly recommend it to all attendees! We have also put all the back issues of ESSAY we could find in a google folder. Click here to access and download the Essay back issues we have found.
The SA Literature Store. This link takes you to the official SA International website and lists many more resources for purchase there.
The AA Literature Store. A very helpful site with lots of good material.
The AA Literature Store. A very helpful site with lots of good material.
Detroit SA's Resources for Women. Such an excellent support for women getting started in SA!
All of the resources from here down are not affiliated with Sexaholics Anonymous. They have however been found helpful to many members in our fellowship. We are allowed to share them here with the following disclaimer:
According to Tradition Six, any non-SA content displayed on this website is offered as public information. Displaying this content does not imply that SA endorses this content, or entities associated with it. Please be aware that we are not responsible for a linked site’s privacy policy, tracking technology, computer security, or intellectual property protection. Additionally, we cannot attest to the accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, or completeness of information provided by any linked site.
Linking to another website does not constitute an endorsement by SA.
Helpful Websites
My Twelve Step Store. Just what it sounds like, just about everything anyone in any recovery group could ever dream of... accessories, literature, recordings, you name it.
Fight the New Drug is an organization with a fantastic website dedicated to showing the negative effects of pornography from a purely research based perspective (the organization states that it is neither religious nor morality based). Just the facts. Very interesting research done here!
Drink This Not That! Those of us that are open to using icons to help us redirect our desires rightly can benefit from this little web page. Many of us have found that denying our urges or "white knuckling it" alone is doomed to fail. Redirecting our desires to an infinite source is the key. This particular icon from Russia has helped thousands over the past century. It's simple prayer is echoed in much 12 step literature: "God, whatever it is I'm really looking for right now, help me find it in You".
Drink This Not That! Those of us that are open to using icons to help us redirect our desires rightly can benefit from this little web page. Many of us have found that denying our urges or "white knuckling it" alone is doomed to fail. Redirecting our desires to an infinite source is the key. This particular icon from Russia has helped thousands over the past century. It's simple prayer is echoed in much 12 step literature: "God, whatever it is I'm really looking for right now, help me find it in You".
Good Reads
Some GRSA members have been helped by the following books:
In the SA White book on page 165 it suggests that we recognize and feed our God hunger. This book is all about that universal hunger specifically for followers of the way of Jesus. It shows how Christ offers a banquet yet we often settle for either fast food or starvation diets. The SA White book itself suggests a prayer when we are triggered: "Whatever it is I'm really looking for now, let me please find it in you". This book explains how redirecting our hunger, not denying it, is the answer. It urges us to re-aim toward the infinite, for after all, that which is finite was never meant to satisfy our God hunger.
A book by Dr. Christopher West designed as a Bible Study specifically for Evangelical Christians. It is an excellent introduction to a view of human sexuality that many Christian SA members find aligns well with their recovery.
Dr. West speaks often of his debt of gratitude to his Evangelical brothers and sisters because it was their loving care that gently brought him back home to his Catholic roots. This book strives to repay that debt in some measure by distilling the extensive biblical expositions of Pope John Paul II into very easy to understand language for all Christians. Many SA members and students, both Protestant and Catholic have been blessed by this work.
Other Recovery Groups:
There are other groups that help those of us who struggle with sexually compulsive behaviors. We list them here as a show of good will to any group that endeavors to bring healing and freedom from sex addiction.SRA - Sexual Recovery Anonymous
SAA - Sex Addicts Anonymous
SLAA - Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
SCA - Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
Help for those that feel unsafe in co-ed recovery groups:
It is not uncommon for both men and women to feel uncomfortable in co-ed recovery groups. While it is true that there are many strengths gained by participating in Co-ed recovery meetings (click here to learn more about the positive aspects of co-ed meetings) we empathize with your discomfort.At least for women in the Grand Rapids area there is now a path forward. Helen Ceballo-Hernández, a local therapist has very reasonably priced group therapy for women who want to recover from sexually compulsive behaviors. You can contact her on her office phone at 616-456-1178 or by emailing her at helen@hchtherapy.com. Learn more on her website hchtherapy.com.